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Xeljanz Lawsuit - Blood Clots, Cancer & Heart Problems

Last Updated: June 1, 2024

Around 1.3 million Americans have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflationary disease that affects the joints. There is no known cure for RA, but, thankfully, advances in medicine have helped those suffering from RA manage the effects of the disease. One such option is the drug tofacitinib, which is better known under the brand names Xeljanz and Xeljanz XR. Approved by the FDA to treat RA and associated conditions in 2012 and now produced and sold by Pfizer, Xeljanz has been a lifeline for many Americans suffering from RA and other arthritis-related conditions.

However, several studies have reported that Xeljanz may carry a risk of causing cancer, heart attacks, blood clots, and other serious injuries in those who take the drug. Indeed, the FDA has published information on clinical trials, which claimed an “increased risk of serious heart-related problems and cancer” for those taking Xeljanz. In 2019, Pfizer was forced to add a black box warning label to Xeljanz, which detailed some of these risks, as well as new black box warnings in 2021. However, the Xeljanz lawsuits allege that Pfizer did too little, too late. People with RA and similar conditions had been taking Xeljanz for years – they wonder: why did Pfizer wait so long to warn them of the Xeljanz risks? Those who have cancer, heart problems, as well as other conditions that Pfizer failed to warn about want answers, and they hope to receive financial compensation from Pfizer by joining the Xeljanz lawsuits.

Xeljanz Lawsuit

Xeljanz Lawsuit Update and News

  • June 1, 2024 - Xeljanz Dosage & Rx Info - Uses, Side Effects - Updated.
  • February 1, 2024 - Xeljanz vs. Xeljanz XR: 8 Things to Know About These JAK Inhibitors.
  • January 1, 2024 - Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis Signs and Symptoms - Many people feel symptoms in the limbs and extremities, especially the hands.
  • February 1, 2023 - Pfizer Dismisses Xeljanz Infringement Lawsuit
  • January 1, 2023 - Xeljanz Cancer Risks Detailed - A new paper presents the full results of an ORAL Surveillance trial
  • December 1, 2022 - Pfizer has struggled to market its rheumatoid-arthritis drug Xeljanz. Regulatory agencies have placed warnings about the JAK inhibitor's potential side effects on cardiovascular health and cancer risk.
  • November 22, 2022 - FDA weighs tighter restrictions for Pfizer's Xeljanz.

You have seen in the above section on Xeljanz warnings, risks, & side effects that a lot of the information published on the drug by the FDA and Pfizer is relatively new, i.e., reported in 2021. The fundamental question of the Xeljanz lawsuits is why have patients only been warned about these risks recently? It’s almost ten years since Xeljanz was launched by Pfizer with FDA approval. It’s worth remembering that there are Xeljanz alternatives like tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors. Patients deserve to know the full level of risks when taking Xeljanz, and the lawsuits filed against Pfizer in 2022 allege that they weren’t given that potentially life-saving information.

Right now, the Xeljanz blood clot and cancer lawsuits are at the point where Xeljanz lawyers are reviewing cases across the country. There is a call for anyone who has developed a serious disease after taking Xeljanz to contact law firms suing Pfizer to begin a compensation claim. New information is expected to come to light concerning what Pfizer knew about the serious risks of Xeljanz. So, if you have been affected by Xeljanz, share your story with a Xeljanz lawsuit attorney to begin your claim for financial compensation.

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If you or a loved one were diagnosed with blood clots, cancer or heart problems and used Xeljanz regularly, you may be entitled to compensation

What is Xeljanz and what Is it used for?

Xeljanz is the brand name for tofacitinib, a type of drug that falls under the class of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor. It was discovered in the 1990s by the National Institute of Health, and it was developed in partnership with Pfizer, which sells the drug under the brand name Xeljanz. Primarily, Xeljanz is used to treat arthritic conditions, for which it gained FDA approval in 2012. In addition, the drug can also be used to treat ulcerative colitis, which the FDA approved in May 2018.

Xeljanz Side Effects & Injuries

A Xeljanz side effect reported as common is a proneness to serious infection, i.e., a weakening of the immune system. Other side effects of Xeljanz can include vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and low blood pressure. All of these can be serious, of course, and you should contact your doctor if you become unwell after taking Xeljanz. But the focus of the current Xeljanz drug lawsuits is concerned with specific conditions that Pfizer failed to warn about. We will look at each of these potentially dangerous Xeljanz side effects and risks below.

Xeljanz Side Effects Injuries

Xeljanz and Blood Clots

In 2021, the FDA approved new warnings for Xeljanz, insisting that the black box label carries information about the increased risk of blood clots (in the lungs) and death when taking 10mg twice-daily doses of Xeljanz. The new Xeljanz warning also served to limit ulcerative colitis patients who could take the drug, approving it only for those who had severe side effects to other medications.

Xeljanz and Cardiovascular Problems

In 2021, the FDA looked at new clinical trials for Xeljanz, and it reported that “results find increased risk of serious heart-related problems”. These heart problems could manifest in different ways, including heart attack/cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, coronary revascularization, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular death. However, the FDA cautioned that you should not stop taking Xeljanz until you have consulted with your doctor regarding a course of action.

Xeljanz and Cancer

The FDA also updated its Xeljanz risk warning to include information about cancers, and there is specific evidence linking Xeljanz to lung cancer and other lymphomas. In December 2021, Pfizer itself issued a press release explaining a higher rate of malignancies, including lymphomas and tumors, in patients taking Xeljanz. Much of these Xeljanz cancer risks are linked to the suppression of the immune system, and they could possibly include risks of colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Again, the advice from the FDA is not to suddenly stop taking Xeljanz if you are worried, but rather to speak to your doctor for more advice on what to do next.

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If you or a loved one were diagnosed with blood clots, cancer or heart problems and used Xeljanz regularly, you may be entitled to compensation

Xeljanz and Liver Damage

There is evidence that taking Xeljanz may worsen liver function in some patients. This is due to the way Xeljanz intake impacts the levels of the enzymes that can affect liver function. Those with existing liver problems, including hepatitis B and C, should consult with their doctor over the dosage of Xeljanz.

Xeljanz Lawsuit Settlements

We are still at an early stage of the Xeljanz injury lawsuits. And, as mentioned previously, it is possible that more information comes to light when personal injury lawyers representing claimants review the cases against Pfizer. As such, we cannot know for sure how much you might get in a settlement with Pfizer. Several factors will be taken into consideration for Xeljanz settlement payouts, including the level of injury caused by Xeljanz, loss of earnings, medical bills, mental anguish, and so on. The Xeljanz lawsuits will also try to uncover evidence of negligence and wrongdoing on behalf of Pfizer, which might also cover charges of wrongful death. However, if it is proven that Pfizer willfully covered up the Xeljanz cancer, heart attack, and blood clot risks, then the company might be forced to pay huge settlement amounts to each claimant.

Xeljanz Lawsuit Compensations

Financial compensation from Pfizer will not repair the damage if you have lost a loved one or are suffering from a debilitating injury after taking Xeljanz. However, Xeljanz lawsuit attorneys are ready to hold Pfizer to account. And if the company is found guilty or willing to admit some level of culpability, then they will likely be required to pay significant compensation for Xeljanz injuries. It’s best not to put a figure on any Xeljanz compensation payout at this early stage of the lawsuits, but it is worth bearing in mind that Big Pharma companies, including Pfizer, have been ordered to pay billions of dollars in compensation in the past for various drug infractions.

Xeljanz Complaints

As we mentioned earlier, rheumatoid arthritis, other arthritis conditions, and ulcerative colitis can be very debilitating diseases, impacting quality of life, and causing severe pain and mental anguish. While the drug can be viewed as a boon for those living with RA and similar conditions, they deserve to have clear access to all the information about potential Xeljanz risks, including blood clots, heart attacks, and cancers. Many of the complaints about Xeljanz tend to focus on blood clots and issues with the immune system, but patients also highlight issues with the liver and kidneys. As we keep stressing, people who took or currently do take Xeljanz deserve to have all the information available to them. While arthritis and ulcerative colitis are serious conditions, they are not – when viewed as individual diseases – immediately life-threatening. The same cannot be said for cancers, heart problems, and blood clots, as well as other conditions linked to Xeljanz.

Xeljanz FDA Warning

Such are the concerns about Xeljanz, the FDA has had to update its boxed warnings (sometimes called a black box warning) for the drug. A boxed warning is a label that appears alongside the drug information that warns about side effects or restrictions on who should take the drug. So far, the FDA has updated this information for Xeljanz four times in the last couple of years, releasing new information on 02/25/2019, 07/26/2019, 02/04/2021, and 09/01/2021.

Xeljanz FDA Black Box Warning

Even though the FDA has acted to update the Xeljanz black box warnings recently, it stresses that the situation is still being monitored. The latest Xeljanz black box warning from the FDA is based on clinical trials carried out by Pfizer, but the FDA also claimed that it might issue further updates and action in alerting the public. The clinical trials also prompted a Pfizer Xeljanz press release, which backed up the warnings issued by the FDA. The black box warnings for Xeljanz are extensive, covering a range of issues and restrictions, including cancers, heart problems, blood clots, and infections due to lack of immunity. If you are worried about Xeljanz, you should contact your doctor for more advice before deciding whether to discontinue use of the medicine.

Xeljanz Lawyer

There are law firms across the country reviewing the Xeljanz compensation cases right now. If you have suffered from one of the serious conditions listed above, or you have seen a loved one pass away after taking Xeljanz, you may qualify for financial compensation from Pfizer through the Xeljanz lawsuits. A Xeljanz lawyer can help you understand the merits of your case, giving you details on how to proceed and how much compensation you could receive for a Xeljanz injury.

Xeljanz Lawsuit FAQs

Who Makes Xeljanz?

Xeljanz and Xeljanz XR (an extended-release formula) are the brand names for tofacitinib. Xeljanz is manufactured and sold by Pfizer.

Are there any lawsuits against Xeljanz?

Yes. Personal injury law firms have been filing cases against Pfizer for failure to warn patients and doctors about the risks of Xeljanz.

Is Xeljanz being recalled?

Not yet. However, the FDA has issued updates to the black box warning of Xeljanz in an effort to inform people about the risks of taking the drug.

Can Xeljanz cause leukemia?

The Xeljanz cancer link is one of the main concerns of those conducting studies on the risks of the drug. This includes links to lymphoma conditions similar to leukemia.

How long can you take Xeljanz?

You should ask your doctor for advice on how long you can take Xeljanz.

How safe is Xeljanz?

The truth is we simply do not know how safe Xeljanz is. However, we do know that many studies have linked Xeljanz to dangerous, life-threatening conditions.

Can Xeljanz cause stroke?

Strokes are caused by blood clots in the brain. Xeljanz has been linked to the forming of dangerous blood clots, although not necessarily in the brain.

Does Xeljanz cause neuropathy?

There is some evidence that patients using Xeljanz as a treatment for RA may be at a greater risk of neurological problems, including sciatic nerve and peripheral neuropathy.

Does Xeljanz cause melanoma?

There is some evidence that patients using Xeljanz, especially females over 60, could be at a greater risk of intraocular melanoma.

Does Xeljanz affect the liver?

Studies have shown Xeljanz can affect some enzymes crucial to the functioning of the liver. Experts stress that you should consult with your doctor if you have liver conditions, such as hepatitis B and C, or are concerned about alcohol intake when prescribed Xeljanz.

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