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Chantix Lawsuit, Recall & Side Effects

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

According to the CDC, around 68% of adult smokers want to quit. And over half of cigarette smokers in America make at least one attempt to quit each year. Thankfully, there are plenty of aids and tools on hand for those wishing to give up the habit, ranging from special gum to medication to classes and seminars. No longer does a smoker wanting to quit have to rely only on good old-fashioned willpower. One of those smoking cessation options is Chantix, a prescription medication designed to help people kick the habit. But those using Chantix were alarmed to see a recall of Chantix carried out by the FDA after batches of the drug were found to have high levels of a nitrosamine, N-nitroso-varenicline, believed to be a possible carcinogenic chemical (cancer-causing agent). After the FDA Chantix recall, the maker of the medication, Pfizer, was hit with a series of Chantix lawsuits from individuals who alleged the company should have done more to prevent a potentially lethal chemical contaminate the medication. In light of these first suits filed against Pfizer, those impacted by Chantix are urged to join a Chantix lawsuit to pursue compensation.

Chantix Pfizer Lawsuit News & Update - July 2024

  • July 1, 2024 - Varenicline (Brand Name: Chantix, Chantix Starting Month Pak, Chantix Starting Month Box, Tyrvaya, Chantix Continuing Month Box): Side Effects, Interactions, Warnings and More.
  • June 1, 2024 - Pfizer Sheds Some Claims Over Carcinogen-Contaminated Chantix.
  • February 1, 2024 - Chantix (Varenicline) Dosage, Uses, Side Effects Updated.
  • January 1, 2024 - FDA approval granted for Smoking Cessation Drug
  • July 1, 2023 - Pfizer expands voluntary nationwide recall to include all lots of CHANTIX (Varenicline Tablets) due to N-Nitroso content.
  • March 1, 2023 - Use of Varenicline Dropped, Stayed Lower With Chantix Recall.
  • February 1, 2023 - Merck discovers the root cause of high levels of nitrosamine in blockbuster diabetes medications. Multiple companies have been affected by nitrosamine impurities. For example, in 2019, the FDA discovered nitrosamine in Pfizer's Chantix drugs and Accupril.
  • January 1, 2023 - 9 Chantix side effects you should know about
  • December 1, 2022 - Pfizer recalls Chantix lots across the country due to concerns about cancer-causing impurities.
  • November 22, 2022 - A woman from Oregon has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer over contamination and misbranding of its Chantix, which was subject to a national recall last year over cancer concerns.
  • June 9, 2022 - Pfizer voluntarily recalled Chantix 0.5mg and 1 mg Tablets to the patient level due to the presence of a nitrosamine, N-nitroso-varenicline, above the Pfizer established Acceptable Daily Intake level.
  • After the initial Chantix recalls of 2021, some of the Chantix lawsuits were consolidated into a class-action lawsuit. The credentials of the class action were first tested in front of a judge in mid-February 2022, who dismissed the case. Does this mean the Chantix lawsuits are over? Not necessarily. We are still at the very early stage of the Chantix lawsuits, and it is often the case that suits can be dismissed. Lawyers representing Chantix claimants have yet to comment on the next step they will take.

What is Chantix?

Chantix is the brand name for the generic drug varenicline. Produced and marketed by Pfizer, Chantix is a medication that is prescribed by doctors to help with smoking cessation. It has a couple of big selling points that help turbo-charge sales for Pfizer, including the fact that, unlike many smoking cessation aids, it is nicotine-free, and some testing shows that it can be more effective than nicotine replacement therapies (patches, gum, nasal sprays, etc.). Chantix is taken orally as a tablet.

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What is Chantix used for?

Primarily, Chantix is used to help smokers quit. However, varenicline can also be used to treat dry eye disease. How does Chantix work? When you smoke cigarettes, nicotine is sent to certain receptors in the brain that release dopamine. Chantix mimics that mechanism, attaching to those receptors so that nicotine can’t. When you take Chantix, dopamine is still released, albeit not at the same level as that released by nicotine.

Chantix Lawsuit

Chantix Risks - Updated February 2024

Chantix and Mood Changes

Chantix has been linked to mood and behavioral changes such as depression, agitation and aggression. Suicidal thoughts and actions have also been reported. Although the risk of Chantix-related psychological problems is low, you should be alert and seek medical help if your loved one experiences any worrying symptoms.

Chantix can cause nausea

which is quite unpleasant for some people. The side effect of nausea can be reduced by taking Chantix with food, or by adjusting the dose under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Chantix can cause sleep disturbances

This can include vivid dreaming, insomnia or strange sleep behavior. You should discuss any sleep problems with your doctor, who may suggest adjusting your dosage or timing.

Chantix is associated with a slight risk of cardiovascular events

Such as stroke and heart attack. However, this risk is considered to be low. Chantix should not be used by people with a stroke or heart disease history.

Allergic Reactions

In rare cases, people may have allergic reactions when taking Chantix. These include hives, swelling in the lips, face, throat, or tongue, as well as difficulty breathing. If you notice any symptoms of an allergic response, seek immediate medical attention.

Chantix may also cause other side effects

Such as fatigue, headaches, changes in taste and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Chantix can be a good option for people who are struggling to quit smoking

Before prescribing Chantix, healthcare providers carefully review a patient's health history and weigh the risks and benefits.

It's also important to tell your healthcare provider if you have any mental health issues, preexisting conditions or medications. They can give you advice on how to safely use Chantix and help you make a decision about the best choice for quitting smoking.

Chantix is a powerful tool to help people quit smoking

It can also be dangerous, but it's worth using under the supervision and management of a medical professional. To ensure your safety, it's important to maintain an open and honest relationship with your healthcare provider during your quit-smoking journey.

Chantix Recall – Pfizer Recall Chantix

On July 16, 2021, Pfizer issued a statement for a voluntary recall of certain batches (12 lots) of Chantix tablets due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline levels above Pfizer’s own ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake). Three days later, this Chantix recall information was published on the FDA website. In its company statement at the time, Pfizer warned that “Long-term ingestion of N-nitroso-varenicline may be associated with a theoretical potential increased cancer risk in humans,” although it did stress that it believed that there was no immediate danger. Just a few months later, Pfizer announced that it was extending the recall of Chantix to all lots due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline. This Pfizer recall information was published by the FDA on September 16, 2021.

Pfizer Recall Chantix

Chantix Side Effects

It should be made clear that Chantix is a prescription-only drug, and it should not be taken unless under explicit approval and direction from your doctor. Those taking the drug have reported many side effects of Chantix. The Mayo Clinic lists around 100 different Chantix side effects, which it splits into groups of Less Common and Rare. Some of the Less Common side effects of Chantix include:

  • Constipation, blood in stool, black tarry stools
  • Anxiety, nightmares, confusion
  • Indigestion, stomach pain, cramps, nausea
  • Headaches
  • Sleep problems, insomnia, tiredness, weakness
  • Seizures, shakiness, tremors
  • Unusual weight gain or weight loss
  • Dry mouth, bad taste in the mouth
  • Vomiting

Please note that the above is only a small selection of the reported symptoms of Chantix side effects. If you are worried about side effects after taking Chantix, you should consult your doctor.

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If you believe that you were harmed by using Chantix, we can help you fight for your rights and compensation.

Chantix Lawsuit Cancer

One of the fundamental questions surrounding the Chantix lawsuits is the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline in the drug. N-nitroso-varenicline belongs to a group of compounds that are termed (by the FDA and other bodies) as possible or probable human carcinogens. Put simply, this means that they may cause cancer, although it has not been proven unequivocally. Regardless, Chantix cancer lawyers are arguing that Pfizer should have erred on the side of caution.

Chantix Lawsuit Settlements

It is not yet known how much compensation Chantix claimants could receive if the lawsuits are successful. A Chantix payout will depend on numerous factors, including what Pfizer knew about the Chantix dangers, whether it was negligent, what damage or injury has been caused to those taking the drug, and whether Pfizer wishes to settle the Chantix cases out of court. Right now, we are in the discovery phase of the Chantix cancer lawsuits, and it will be easier to make a prediction on how much compensation you can receive for a Chantix settlement once the lawsuits move through the courts. Right now, Chantix cancer attorneys are calling for people to come forward if they have been affected by this issue.

Is Chantix a Class Action or Mass Tort Lawsuit?

Right now, many of the Chantix lawsuits appear to have been consolidated into a class-action lawsuit. This is usually the case when a large number of claimants have an (almost) identical grievance against a defendant, in this case, Pfizer. The idea is that the process can be streamlined through the courts, with claimants represented by an individual deemed typical of the lawsuit. At the end of a class action, claimants would share any financial settlement paid by Pfizer. However, it is possible that more information will come to light, including injuries caused by Chantix. If the case becomes more complex, i.e., with claimants having different levels of injury, then some Chantix lawsuits could be consolidated into a mass tort lawsuit. Similar in principle to a class action, a mass tort would streamline the lawsuits through the sharing of information, judgements, etc. However, each claimant would be paid a settlement depending on individual circumstances.

How to file a Chantix lawsuit?

Fill in our free evaluation form to see if you qualify for the Chantix lawsuit. If so, we can connect you with experienced personal injury lawyers who can help you get compensation.

Chantix Lawsuit FAQs

Why was Chantix recalled?

Chantix was recalled due to the high level of N-nitroso-varenicline found in certain lots of the drug. Later, this recall of Chantix was extended to all batches of the drug.

Is there a lawsuit against Chantix?

Yes. Lawyers have filed suits against Pfizer, the maker of Chantix, on behalf of people who used the drug. 

Is all Chantix recall?

On September 16, 2021, Pfizer issued a recall of all Chantix drugs due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline in the drugs.

How to file a Chantix lawsuit?

Use our free evaluation tool to get free advice and check if you are eligible.

Does Chantix cause cancer?

Chantix has been found to have high levels of N-nitroso-varenicline, which is described as a probable/possible human carcinogen. This means there could be a cancer link, but experts are not all in agreement.

Is Chantix still on the market?

Yes. Pfizer claims that the “health benefits of stopping smoking outweigh the theoretical potential cancer risk from the nitrosamine impurity in varenicline.” However, Reuters reports that sales plummeted last year as people learned of the potential Chantix cancer risks.

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