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3M Combat Earplugs Lawsuit

3M earplugs were distributed to the US army. However, the earplugs had serious defects proven to cause hearing injuries.
Last Updated: March 2, 2025

3M Dual-Sided Combat Arms Earplugs (CAEv2) were distributed to U.S. Armed Forces servicemen and servicewomen with the intent of protecting their ears from dangerous levels of noise during combat. However, these combat earplugs had a serious defect proven to cause hearing injuries. People who wore them are entitled to justice and compensation for their injuries sustained due to the use of 3M dual-sided Combat Arms Earplugs.

3M Combat Arms Earplugs Lawsuit: What Happened?

Aero Technologies–the parent company of 3M–manufactured and supplied the United States military with faulty earplugs intended to protect the hearing of service members between 2003 and 2015. Soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq received 3M earplugs, without knowledge of their inability to fully protect their hearing from the noises created during combat. 3M stopped making the earplugs in 2015, but never recalled the product, or told consumers that they used a product that was flawed.

Moldex-Metric, a 3M competitor, acted as a whistleblower in 2016, filing a lawsuit against the company claiming that 3M knew their earplugs were defective. The lawsuit stated that 3M’s ineffective Combat Arms Earplugs were the cause of the hearing loss and tinnitus experienced by many soldiers who served overseas.

Today, more than 230,000 service members and veterans are suing 3M in conjunction with the Combat Arms Earplugs lawsuit. As of 2023, the company has agreed to a settlement of more than $6 billion, making the case the largest mass tort lawsuit in American legal history.

If you or a loved one served in the military between 2003 and 2015, you may be entitled to financial compensation if you’ve experienced hearing loss or tinnitus as a result of using 3M Combat Arms Earplugs.

3M Earplugs Lawsuit Settlements Update

The 3M earplug lawsuit, primarily concerning military veterans who developed tinnitus or hearing loss after using allegedly defective earplugs, has seen several payouts over the past few years. The 3M Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2 (CAEv2), were intended to protect military personnel's hearing in loud environments. However, plaintiffs argue that design flaws allowed sound to bypass the earplugs, leading to hearing damage.

In terms of payouts, average settlements have varied, with several cases resulting in individual verdicts between $50,000 and $1.7 million, depending on the severity of the hearing loss and the impact on the individual’s life. As of 2024, discussions are ongoing regarding a comprehensive settlement for the large number of claims against 3M. In August 2023, 3M announced a tentative $6 billion settlement plan to resolve approximately 260,000 lawsuits; this could lead to average payouts in the range of tens of thousands per claimant, although specific amounts will depend on individual case assessments

3M Lawsuit

3M Earplug Lawsuit Latest News & Update

March 2, 2025

Bankruptcy judge rejects 3M's plan to minimize earplug liability.

February 1, 2025

3M reached a $6.01 billion settlement in 2023 to resolve lawsuits related to defective Combat Arms Earplugs Version 2 (CAEv2). The settlement covers approximately 260,000 claims from U.S. military veterans and service members who alleged hearing damage due to the faulty earplugs.

  • January 1, 2025 - 3M's $6.01 billion earplug settlement expected to payout by Spring 2025.
  • December 1, 2024 - 3M earplug settlement lawyers inch closer to $540 million payout.
  • October 1, 2024 - 3M Combat Earplug Insurance Appeal Denied by Delaware Judge
  • August 1, 2024 - The settlement process for the 3M earplug litigation, one of the largest mass torts in U.S. history, continues. Veterans and military service members affected by defective Combat Arms earplugs have agreed to a $6 billion settlement.
  • July 1, 2024 - US veterans suing 3M over earplugs seek to stop unit's false alarm bankruptcy.
  • June 1, 2024 - 3M begins payments to service members in $6 billion earplug settlement.
  • May 1, 2024 - 3M agrees to pay $6 billion in earplugs lawsuit, Novak Djokovic wins in US Open return, and more trending news.
  • April 1, 2024 - Nearly all of the claimants who sued St. Paul-based 3M over alleged faulty combat earplugs will participate in a multibillion dollar settlement, 3M said.
  • March 1, 2024 - 3M has paid $6 billion in settlements to resolve numerous lawsuits filed by U.S. military personnel who claim to have suffered hearing loss or serious injuries after using earplugs manufactured by 3M.
  • January 1, 2024 - The implementation of the Combat Arms Earplugs settlement reaches a new milestone.
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If you believe that you or a loved one were harmed by 3M Earplugs, you may be entitled to compensation.

To date, the only settlement amount from 3M has been the $9.1 million compensation paid to the United States federal government in July 2018. The settlement occurred after a whistleblower within 3M alerted the federal government to the defective nature of the earplugs. 

3M is now required to pay $6.01 billion in damages to settle lawsuits from service members and others who suffered injury due to the company’s faulty earplugs. Because the case has been combined into a mass tort case, plaintiffs can expect settlements to be based on individual circumstances rather than a fixed sum for all combat troops injured by 3M defective earplugs. The money will be paid out to those entitled to financial compensation between 2023 and 2029.

The 3M lawsuit settlement amounts will undoubtedly continue to be a major financial headache for the company as the 3M defective earplugs case has become the biggest mass tort suit in United States history with many more military personnel expected to join. 

Hearing loss is one facet of the damage caused by defective earplugs. Service members and veterans can experience issues like depression and anxiety linked to hearing problems. Each claimant will face unique issues that will have to be taken into account when determining payouts for 3M earplugs cases. 

3M Earplug Lawsuit Bankruptcy

Judge Jeffrey Graham, a U.S. bankruptcy judge, allowed Kirkland & Ellis (November 10, 2022) to continue representing bankrupt 3M subsidiary Aearo Technologies. Judge Graham rejected calls to disqualify Aearo Technologies because it had defended 3M.

3M Combat Earplug Lawsuit

What Is The 3M Combat Earplugs Lawsuit About?

The 3M combat earplugs were designed to prevent hearing damage. The earplugs were used by members of the U.S. Armed Forces. 3M earplugs were given to service members who were regularly subjected to noisy conditions in both training and combat.

To work effectively, the earplugs need a 100% seal to block out the noise. The earplugs were too short to fill the ear canal properly, so a proper seal wasn’t created.

Without a proper seal, or broken seal, users were exposed to hearing damage and loud noises that the earplugs were designed to prevent.

The result was damage to the inner ear (and the sensitive hairs of the inner ear) of affected service members. Many users didn’t realize they weren’t being properly protected.

3M earplugs are responsible for hearing loss and painful tinnitus experienced by many service members and veterans. As a consequence, thousands of US troops and veterans are suing a 3M for supplying them with defective earplugs during military tours from 2003 to 2015. 

Many veterans suffer hearing problems after exposure to dangerous levels of noise, common in combat missions. However, 3M is accused of providing the military with defective Combat Arms earplugs and for covering up knowledge of the faulty equipment that was supposed to protect troops’ ears.

Many members and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces have been in contact with 3M earplug lawsuit attorneys and have begun bringing personal injury claims against 3M after suffering ear problems.

Where 3M Went Wrong?

Historically, soldiers in the military have needed to carry two different types of earplugs in combat zones. One was used to block all sound (much like traditional earplugs designed for civilians). The other was used to block loud noises while still allowing them to hear and communicate with people nearby. 

3M attempted to solve this problem by releasing dual-ended earplugs that allowed soldiers to have both functions within a single pair of earplugs. Unfortunately, the design of the earplugs was flawed. The Combat Arms Earplugs were too short for the ear canals of many soldiers, resulting in a failed seal. This meant that even though soldiers were wearing their earplugs with the expectation of being protected from loud noise, sound was able to reach the inner ear.

3M Video 1
3M Video 1

How Can Exposure to Loud Noise Cause Hearing Loss and Tinnitus?

Everyone hears loud noises from time to time, often without consequence. Hearing an extremely loud noise once, or hearing loud noises over time, however, can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, as well as an ongoing sound of ringing in the ears known as tinnitus. 

Listening to loud music can cause people to experience hearing loss and tinnitus, as can loud sounds experienced in the workplace. It’s essential for employers to provide effective, safe earplugs to employees who are exposed to loud noises at work–such as soldiers who are serving in combat zones. 

Loud noise can harm a part of the ear called the cochlea, a fluid-filled space in the inner ear filled with delicate hair cells that move when your ears receive sound waves. These hair cells are necessary to translate sound waves into nerve messages that the brain is able to understand. Sadly, damage to the cells in the cochlea typically results in permanent hearing loss. When the hairs are bent or broken (but not destroyed), they can send incorrect impulses to the brain, resulting in hearing a constant ringing sound known as tinnitus

How Have Affected People Fought Back?

A whistleblower within the company discovered that 3M had intentionally hidden the defects, helping the U.S. government to strike back at 3M for its misleading claims.  3M eventually settled with the U.S. government, and now many affected service members and veterans are fighting the company for justice and compensation for their injuries sustained while wearing these earplugs. Moreover, many impacted individuals are currently building and pursuing legal action against 3M for both financial and non-financial damages that resulted from wearing these defective earplugs.

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If you believe that you or a loved one were harmed by 3M Earplugs, you may be entitled to compensation.

How Many People Have Been Affected?

There are potentially millions of U.S. Armed Forces service members and veterans who were negatively impacted by defective 3M combat earplugs.  According to statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, hearing loss and tinnitus are amongst the most common health issues suffered by veterans. More than 1.7 million veterans receive compensation for tinnitus while another 1.1 million veterans receive compensation for hearing loss. 

All members of each branch of the military who served between 2003-2015 who used these earplugs were potentially exposed to damage, amounting to hundreds of thousands of potential injuries (if not more). 

Is This a Hearing Loss Lawsuit?

At the heart of the 3M faulty earplug lawsuit is the charge that the company knew its products, called 3M Combat Arms Hear-Through Earplugs, were defective, and that the earplugs could loosen in a way that would render them ineffective. 3M settled a lawsuit with the federal government a couple of years ago, but many individual military personnel have joined the lawsuit against 3M after suffering hearing loss or tinnitus after using the company’s earplugs while on duty.

Statistics Regarding Veteran Hearing Loss

Ear damage is one of the most common injuries suffered by U.S. military veterans. In fact, the Hearing Health Foundation cites tinnitus, ringing in the ear, and hearing loss as the two most common health complaints among veterans. Furthermore, the Military Health System has stated that hearing issues are the main disability in the veteran community. Moreover, studies have linked hearing problems with other issues like depression and anxiety.

veteran hearing loss
Veteran Hearing Loss Statistics.

3m Earplug Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Connect With A Lawyer

If you served in the military between 2003 and 2015 and experienced temporary or permanent hearing loss, or are dealing with tinnitus, it’s important to reach out to a case expert who can work with you to determine whether you may be entitled to compensation. Since this is a mass tort case, each payout is individual, and depends on the extent of your injuries and suffering. It’s essential that you work with a lawyer who understands the nuances of the case in order to get the money you deserve.

If you’re a veteran or current service member who is interested in receiving compensation from 3M following hearing loss due to the use of their defective earplugs, you don’t have to figure this out alone–we’re here to help.. Fill out the free evaluation form. If you qualify, we will be in contact with you to explain the process and connect you with experienced 3M lawsuit lawyers to handle your case.

3M Military Lawsuit FAQ's

When Were The Earplugs Distributed?

Injured service members and veterans who served between the years 2003-2015 and suffer from resulting hearing damage after wearing 3M combat earplugs are potentially eligible for compensation.

3M stopped making the earplugs in 2015, but never told those who used the earplugs that they were faulty and/or could result in permanent auditory injuries.

Who Is Impacted by 3M Earplugs?

Many people who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and wore Dual-Sided 3M Earplugs sustained ear damage and are entitled to fight back against 3M for injuries suffered while using this defective product. These earplugs were only distributed to service members who were on tour in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Why Are The 3M Earplugs Defective?

3M Combat Arms Earplugs offered a dual-sided design, allowing service members to quickly change sides depending on noise conditions. However, 3M’s Combat Earplugs have been proven defective, entitling affected service members and veterans to take action against the company and receive financial compensation.


How Can I Fight Back Against 3M?

To see if you or a loved one qualify to fight against the injustice of hearing loss and damage due to 3M’s defective earplugs, start by taking a free evaluation to check eligibility for compensation.

What Is The Average Payout For The 3M Earplug Lawsuit?

As the trials get underway, we will begin to get an idea of how much each claimant will get from the 3M case. Some law firms have cited other hearing loss cases paying from $50,000 to $300,000 per person affected, and held those up as an example of what could be paid by 3M. However, this is from a very small sample size of non-military cases, and it is possible that the 3M case average payout could be greater.

What Are The 3M Lawsuit Individual Settlement Payout Amounts?

Again, most estimates for individual settlement payouts in the 3M Combat Arms case tend to look at previous cases with similar injuries. As such, law firms are suggesting that payout amounts to each claimant could range from five to six figure sums depending on the severity of the claimant’s hearing loss and other circumstances. 

Since a mass tort lawsuit doesn’t pay out the same amount to each individual, many factors are taken into consideration in order to determine how much compensation each case will receive. Extent of hearing damage and extent of pain and suffering will be considered for each individual case, with more severe cases receiving higher levels of compensation.

We should again reiterate that the 3M case is unprecedented in scope. Furthermore, as the case unfolds, it’s possible that more information may come to light about 3M’s knowledge of the product defect, or whether veterans are experiencing other long-term medical issues after wearing the earplugs.


What Is The 3M Lawsuit Payout Per Person?

When considering the payout per person in the 3M lawsuit, it’s worth stressing that this is not a class action lawsuit. With a class action, the case is considered as an individual one and any settlement would be split among those bringing the case. The 3M lawsuit is a mass tort case, meaning each claimant is treated separately. The upshot of that means the average payout per person for the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs case will depend on the individual injuries and circumstances. You can expect to receive a larger payout if you have severe hearing loss compared to someone who had mild hearing loss or tinnitus.


Is 3M A Class Action Lawsuit?

No, the 3M lawsuit is not a class action lawsuit. The 3M lawsuit is a mass tort lawsuit. Many people do not understand that there is a difference between these two types of lawsuits.  

Class action lawsuits involve a large number of people pursuing one lawsuit after suffering the same damage. Mass tort lawsuits also involve a large number of people; however, in a mass tort case each person is considered a separate plaintiff in the lawsuit and actually has their own case.  

In addition, each person’s injuries may vary and although they will be similar, they will not all have the exact same injury or level of harm. All of the separate lawsuits get consolidated together into a large mass tort lawsuit.

To understand more about the difference between class action and mass tort lawsuits, you can visit our Mass Tort page.

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If you believe that you or a loved one were harmed by 3M Earplugs, you may be entitled to compensation.

We are here to help you and loved ones advocate for justice. Feel free to send us any questions you might have, either about an injury or the process for pursuing justice so we can help you exercise your rights.
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