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Neocate Formula Side Effects

Neocate Formula Side Effects
Select Justice
March 27, 2022

Infant formula is literally a lifesaver for many babies around the world. Whether families choose not to breastfeed or are not able to for any multitude of reasons, formula provides babies with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive

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If you believe that your child was harmed by Neocate products, we can help you fight for your rights and compensation.


Neocate is an infant formula designed for babies with allergies, including cow’s milk and soy allergies. These allergies can lead to gassy and colicky babies, and finding a formula that solves the problem can take a huge weight off parents’ shoulders. The product, however, is not without side effects, some of which can be very dangerous to babies. 

Neocate Side Effects

Parents often seek out Neocate due to its hypoallergenic formula, not realizing that the formula is also putting their child at risk. According to Nutricia — the company that manufactures Neocate — babies may experience gas and flatulence, particularly in the first few weeks of use. Parents might also notice a change in stool color, typically to a shade of green. However, that’s not all that Neocate use has been linked to. 

The company makes its formula hypoallergenic by creating the product out of amino acids rather than the traditional cow’s milk protein or soy protein. However, somewhere in the formulation, something seems to fall short as the formula has been linked to bone problems. 

Neocate and Bone Problems

Neocate use has been linked to a variety of health problems in babies and children. Most notably, the formula has been connected to: 

  • Hypophosphatemia (low phosphate levels)
  • Bone disease
  • Rickets (bone softening and weakening)
  • Bone fractures
  • Decreased bone mineralization
  • Osteomalacia (softening of the bones)
  • Stunted growth
  • Skeletal deformities 
Broken Leg

Side effects such as bone fractures and other disorders have been linked to various Neocate formulations, including:

  • Neocate Syneo Infant, for babies 0-1 years old
  • Neocate Junior, for children one year and older
  • Neocate Splash, for children one year and older
  • Neocate Nutra, for babies six months and older
  • Neocate Junior with Probiotics, for children one year and older
  • EO28 Splash, for children one years and older
  • Neocate Infant DHA/ARA, for babies 0-1 years old

Most of the side effects associated with Neocate stem from the hypophosphatemia — or low phosphate levels — the formula can cause. 

Much of the evidence to support Neocate being linked to these side effects comes from a 2017 case report in the journal Bone. The authors of the study found that an unexpected number of children were being diagnosed with hypophosphatemia. After reviewing charts of the children who had been diagnosed, the authors found a connection between being fed Neocate and low phosphate levels. 51 children across 17 institutions were fed Neocate and consequently developed hypophosphatemia. 94% of these children were found to have fractures, undermineralization, or rickets. 

If your child uses Neocate or has in the past, it’s important to be on the lookout for signs of hypophosphatemia and bone problems. Signs of hypophosphatemia might include muscle weakness, fatigue, broken bones, fussiness, stunted growth, and late baby teeth. Signs of rickets and weakened bones might include delayed growth, bowed legs, muscle weakness, and delayed motor skills. 

Talk to your child’s pediatrician if you have any concerns about his or her development or if you notice any of the above signs. He or she may advise switching to a different formula and monitoring or treating symptoms. 

What to Do If Your Child Has Developed Rickets or Bone Problems after Consuming Neocate

If you believe your child has been harmed by consuming Neocate, seek guidance from his or her pediatrician. Most of the children in the case report saw improvement when changing to a different formula or supplementing phosphate. 

Additionally, you can seek justice for your child’s injuries by speaking to an experienced Neocate lawyer. He or she can evaluate your case to see if you are eligible to join a Neocate lawsuit. You may be eligible for financial compensation. 

Free Case Evaluation

If you believe that your child was harmed by Neocate products, we can help you fight for your rights and compensation.


Select Justice
March 27, 2022

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