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Is Roundup Safe for Dogs and Cats? What Pet Owners Need to Know

Amanda Turner
October 30, 2022

As a pet owner, you work hard to keep your dog or cat safe, and it’s important to you to only use cleaning and maintenance products that are safe for your furry friend. It can be hard to know what’s ok to use around pets and what isn’t. This is especially true for products you use in your yard, as pets have a tendency to pick up sticks, leaves (and mice!) and can be negatively affected by products that are used for pest control in your yard. 

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If you or a loved one were harmed by using Roundup Weedkiller you could be entitled to compensation.


Many pet owners are curious about whether it’s safe to use Roundup weed killer around their pets, as the herbicide has made news in recent years due to its adverse effects on humans who are regularly around the substance. Here, we’ll explore everything you need to know about whether it’s ok to use Roundup around your pets, and other tips to keep your dog or cat safe when they’re outside in your yard. 

What is Roundup?

Roundup Lawsuit

Roundup weed killer is used by people who want to control weeds in their yard or on their farm. The active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. The chemical is a broad-spectrum herbicide, so it works to kill many different types of weeds. This is convenient for people who want to stop general weed growth and do not want to treat their land with several different types of chemicals. 

Roundup is a popular herbicide because it can be used to treat many types of weeds in a large area. With the chemical’s “one size fits all” approach, farmers and home gardeners are not left to figure out how to mix-and-match herbicides to get the results they want. 

While Roundup is a convenient solution for many people, it doesn’t come without risks. Many Roundup users have reported health issues related to the herbicide. 

Roundup in the News

While Roundup is effective at killing weeds, it’s main ingredient–glyphosate–has also been linked to cancer. This is especially harmful for people who have been directly exposed to the chemical for a long period of time. People who work in conditions where they use herbicides regularly (such as farmers and landscapers) may be at a higher risk of developing health issues related to Roundup use. 

"While Roundup is a convenient solution for many people, it doesn’t come without risks. Many Roundup users have reported health issues related to the herbicide." 

Many people are working to sue Monsanto, the company behind Roundup, for failing to advise consumers on how the use of Roundup could negatively affect their health. If you or someone you love used Roundup and experienced negative health effects (such as a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), it’s important to reach out to a legal team to learn whether you might be eligible for compensation. 

While it may be dangerous to use Roundup regularly, people who do not use the chemical glyphosate but are exposed to it may also experience negative effects. For example, someone who drinks from water that has been tainted by Roundup runoff could also experience negative health effects, even though they aren’t experiencing direct exposure to the chemical. 

Roundup and Your Pet

If you’re concerned that your pet may have been exposed to Roundup, it’s smart to be worried for their health. According to veterinary experts, “Roundup’s primary ingredient, glyphosate, is generally considered harmful to dogs if ingested or with external contact when it’s still wet (for short-term toxicity).”

If your pet chews on or eats plants that have been treated with Roundup, or drinks water that may contain Roundup, it’s possible that their health could be at risk. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the risks of Roundup “are expected to be limited to the application area or areas near the application area.” This means that if you or someone working on your landscaping uses Roundup weed killer, it’s possible that your pet’s health could be affected. 

If you’re concerned that your pet may have eaten, chewed on, or drank something that was contaminated with Roundup, it’s important to reach out to your veterinarian right away for next steps. 

Keeping Your Pet Safe Outdoors

Keeping pets safe outdoors can be tough, especially if you have a dog or a cat who tends to eat whatever they can get their paws on. 

If you’re working to keep your pet safe while they’re outside, you’ll want to consider the following: 

  • Keep an eye on the weather. A pet’s coat can make them especially sensitive to heat. 
  • Provide plenty of shade for your pet. 
  • If you think your pet might have ingested a harmful substance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet for help in deciding what to do next. 
  • Provide plenty of fresh water when your pet is outside. Be sure to check their water supply regularly. 
  • Be sure that your pet’s outside area is free of toxic chemicals. 
  • Consider using a fence to keep your pet inside your yard–and to keep other animals out. 

Have You or a Loved One Been Affected by Roundup? We Can Help.

Lawyers helping a client

If you or a loved one have experienced health effects such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma following the use of Roundup weed killer, it’s important that you work with an experienced support team that can help you through the process of determining whether you may be eligible for financial compensation. You don’t have to figure this out alone–we’re here to help. Reach out to us today to talk with one of our case experts about whether you may have a case against Monsanto.

Free Case Evaluation

If you or a loved one were harmed by using Roundup Weedkiller you could be entitled to compensation.


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